Genesis 1:26-27

Pre K

*You will need clay for this lesson.
Read: Genesis 1:26: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.’”
Say: God made us in his image. He made all people. He made you, me and __________. He made people from the dust of the earth. So we are going to make people with this clay. Who do you want to make?
Pray: Thank you God for creating us in your image and likeness. We know you wanted to make us because you love us. Amen.




*You will need clay for this lesson.
Read: Genesis 1:26: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.’”
Say: God made us in his image. He made all people. Can you name some people who God made?
The Bible says that God made the first person, Adam from the dust of the earth. What do you think it looked like when God made Adam?
We are going to make people with this clay. Who do you want to make?
Pray: Thank you God for creating us from the dust. Thank you for making _________, ________ and ___________. We know you wanted to make us because you love us. Amen.


Read: Genesis 1:26: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.’”
Say”: God made us in his image because he wanted us to reflect his glory, like a mirror, or how a statue reflects someone’s image. In order to reflect God’s image to others we have to show love and kindness to them.
Ask: Whom do you have a hard time being nice to at school?
Is there anyone God is calling you to show love and kindness to tomorrow?
Pray this prayer with your child: Creator God, Help us to reflect your image to ________. Help us to be in your likeness, full of love and kindness. Amen.

Developing Disciple

Genesis 1:26: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.’”
God made us in his image because he wanted us to reflect his glory for all to see. Its kinda like a mirror, or how a statue reflects someone’s image. In order for us to reflect God’s image to others we have to be like Jesus. Where in our world have you seen people that do not reflect Jesus?
How can you be more like your father in heaven?
Who do you have a hard time reflecting God’s love to during the week?
Why do you find this hard?
Pray: Father, I am guilt of not always reflecting you to others around me. I fall short of this calling. God help me to be more like you to ____________. Help me to live in your likeness. Amen.

Optional extra reading: Galatians 5:22-25.

Disciple Maker

Genesis 1:26: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.’”
God made us in his image because he wanted us to reflect his glory for all to see. Its kind of like a mirror, or how a statue that reflects someone’s image. In order for us to reflect God’s image to others we have to be like Jesus.
In what ways have you failed to be like Jesus in the last two days?
How can you change this? Write down these ways on a sheet of paper to tape to your mirror, TV or computer screen.
Who do you personally have a hard time reflecting God’s love during the week?
Why do you find this so hard?
Read Galatians 5:22-25.
Pray: Confess to God the ways you fall short of reflecting him to others. Ask him to change you, Ask him to empower you with the gifts of the Spirit to bear the fruit of the Spirit in your life. Listen to him in silence for several minutes. Perhaps he will speak to you!
